GoAhead Solutions

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Trust Specialists for Results

Have peace of mind with proven experts who simplify and solve complex situations.  Turn to trusted advisors for the best results.

Minimize Total Cost of Ownership

Pinpoint and eliminate hidden software license costs.  Get the most out of your software portfolio.

Harness Human Capital

Achieve growth and business goals with top talent.  Stay ahead with personnel who fit with your company culture, mission, and needs.

Oracle HealthCheck

“When a customer licenses Oracle software, it is the customer's responsibility to ensure that they are utilizing their licenses in accordance with the terms and conditions of the license agreements.” - Oracle Compliance Policy

From years of experience in working with CIOs and Senior IT Executives, Oracle customers typically face the following common challenges:

  • Complicated Oracle license policies preventing an organization from making informed strategic decisions.
  • Paying too much for Oracle Licenses and Support.
  • Have no time and resources to manage significant Oracle investments.
  • Lack of trustworthy expert advice.

We can help!

With a strategically tailored Oracle “HealthCheck” program based on your needs, a successful and experienced former Oracle License Management Services (LMS) employee will:

  • Minimize your Operational, Financial and Legal Risks.
  • Maximize the return on your Oracle investment.
  • Optimize the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for Oracle licenses and support.
  • Educate you on Oracle licensing policies and business practices.
  • Empower you to make better decisions on your Oracle assets and software usage.
  • Enable you to proactively control your Oracle assets and obtain the associated benefits.


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